The Challenge

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Mario Cortellucci Hunting and Fishing Heritage Centre (HFHC) was unable to open to the public. Looking at this as an opportunity to augment the museum experience, they engaged with eLearnza to update their touchscreen interactivities and offer new information to future museum visitors.

The museum touchscreens had become outdated – both in the information they provided but also in design and interactivity. They approached eLearnza with the idea to create four new touchscreens to be placed throughout the museum.

A good touchscreen experience can create an inviting environment that keeps visitors engaged for longer periods of time.

The museum caters to the general public however a large number of school groups schedule visits for their students. This tech-savvy segment requires a richer experience broken into smaller segments of content. The previous touchscreens were heavy on text content with a minimal focus on imagery and interactivity.


Featured Arctic Species

16 weeks

Development Time


Species photographs

Mario Cortellucci Hunting and Fishing Heritage Center - Touchscreen

The Process

With a limited budget, we devised a unique approach where eLearnza would build the initial touchscreen interactivity and provide the museum with a design template that could be used to launch additional interactivities in-house.

eLearnza would provide the template, training and support required to create additional interactivities. eLearnza would also assist the HFHC in setting up the touchscreen in a cloud environment. The cloud environment would enable the HFHC to provide access to the interactivities on devices and screens in virtual learning environments.

This approach would allow the HFHC to broaden their reach from just local visitors to educational institutions and organizations anywhere in the world.

During the initial consultation, the HFHC project coordinator also outlined that they would need eLearnza to not only produce the interactivity but to also provide advice on the sourcing of the actual environment (computer and touchsceen monitor) they would need to purchase and install.

This approach included:

  • Project consultation with HFHC key stakeholders.

  • Template Design and brand guideline implementation.

  • Review of the existing museum environment and sourcing of new touchscreens.

  • Development of interactivity in a format that would be accessible in the museum and an external environment.

  • Assistance with environment setup and deployment.

  • Ongoing support of HFHC staff

Mario Cortellucci Hunting and Fishing Heritage Center - Touchscreen

The Outcome

After a 12-week development period, eLearnza and HFHC were able to complete the development of the interactivity. In addition, training was provided to HFHC staff to enable them to update the touchscreen in-house if required.

The approach ensuring that the interactivity was responsive on all screens and devices was key driver during the development cycle.

eLearnza support of the HFHC team is ongoing as they plan to re-open their doors to the public in the spring of 2022.

In-person discussion of the project can be done upon request.

Mario Cortellucci Hunting and Fishing Heritage Center - Touchscreen

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